Tag: sequencing
New in Tablet

Tablet has just been updated to version BUG: Fixed a critical issue that prevented Tablet from parsing SAM files correctly.
New in Tablet

Tablet has just been updated to version NEW: Added a new Assembly Summary dialog which can be launched from the “More” link above the Contigs listing. NEW: Threaded off drag and drop file loading so that Windows Explorer no longer appears to hang after performing the drop. BUG: Tablet’s embedded samtools no […]
New in Tablet

Tablet has just been updated to version BUG: Fixed an issue with copy/paste keyboard shortcuts on OS X.
New in Tablet

Tablet has just been updated to version NEW: Tablet’s codebase is now Java 7 across all supported platforms. NEW: Moved OS X over to the Nimbus look and feel. NEW: The number of per-read mismatches against the reference is now shown in the tooltip. NEW: Tablet no longer prompts for updates if it […]
New in Tablet

Tablet has just been updated to version BUG: Fixed an issue which meant CIGAR features weren’t being generated for the last contig in a SAM file.
New in Tablet

Tablet has just been updated to version NEW: Tablet will now cache and reuse reference files, making subsequent accesses faster.
New in Tablet

Tablet has just been updated to version NEW: Experimentally shifted the bundled runtime to Java 7 for OS X and Linux (Windows builds have used it for some time). BUG: Fixed an issue related to parsing of quality in AFG files. BUG: Fixed an issue with incorrect reads showing up in the visible […]
New in Tablet

Tablet has just been updated to version NEW: The features table can now be filtered by type, name, or start/end position. NEW: Added support for dummy read based annotation in the SAM/BAM format. NEW: Added support for SEQ == * in the SAM/BAM format. NEW: Added support for SEQ containing ‘=’ in the SAM/BAM […]
New in Tablet

Tablet has just been updated to version BUG: Command line parameters were not being passed to Tablet on OS X.
New in Tablet

Tablet has just been updated to version NEW: Tablet’s zoom levels now supports many hundreds of thousands of bases on screen at once (superzoom). NEW: Reinstated the option to enable/disable read caching to disk, along with a newer option to not cache data from BAM files unless desired. NEW: Read group information […]