Information & Computational Sciences

Working Together For Better Outcomes

WT4BOnegWorking together for better outcomes: learning from different perspectives to improve delivery of solutions to land and natural resource challenges


In March 2015 we organised a two day workshop with 36 experts on working together for better outcomes. The workshop was held in Edinburgh, UK. A team of experienced facilitators designed and ran the workshop. The Macaulay Development Trust kindly funded the workshop. 

Guidance notes

One of the objectives of the workshop was to produce three guidance notes for researchers, funders and wider research partners. Over the past year we have been working with the participants to produce these. These two page guidance notes are available here:

Working together for better outcomes-the role of research partnerships

Funding interdisciplinary research-improving practices and processes

Working together for better outcomes- good practice for interdisciplinary researchers

Workshop outline and participants

Workshop outline and list of participants. Photos
