Tag: genotyping
New in Flapjack

Flapjack has just been updated to version NEW: Implemented three new methods of scaling and displaying the chromosome map: local, global, and classic. NEW: Added a new summary “mini map” display that shows where on the chromosome the markers currently on screen are. NEW: Gaps in the data set (lines with no […]
New in Flapjack

Flapjack has just been updated to version NEW: Importing very large chromosomes (> 20,000 markers) is now significantly quicker. NEW: You can now choose which chromosomes are including when exporting data as text. NEW: The number of tracks used for QTLs is now dynamic, based on a draggable slider below their […]
New in Flapjack

Flapjack has just been updated to version BUG: Fixed a rendering bug that was causing the chromosome map to incorrectly link its lines to the markers.
New in Flapjack

Flapjack has just been updated to version NEW: Exported images now include any phenotype heat map and/or QTL visualization as part of the output. NEW: Added keyboard shortcuts for zooming (CTRL++, CTRL+-). CHG: Made various changes to the installers to improve Linux compatibility and to provide “What’s New” information at update time. […]
New in Flapjack

Flapjack has just been updated to version NEW: Added an option for sorting lines alphabetically by their name. CHG: Similarity sorting is now much faster. CHG: Implemented some minor changes to reduce the total number of threads in use. BUG: Fixed a critical bug that effected QTL data that didn’t have any […]
New in Flapjack

Flapjack has just been updated to version NEW: The heatmap of phenotypic trait data now supports any number of displayable columns (it used to be fixed at three). NEW: QTLs can now be imported that contain supplementary columns of textual data (previously only numerical was support). NEW: Flapjack now maintains a history […]
New in Flapjack

Flapjack has just been updated to version NEW: Significant improvements to real-time rendering speeds should be noticeable to Windows users. NEW: Overview displays are now created much faster than before. NEW: The random colour scheme now has two choices of style (HSB or WebSafe). NEW: A lot more help topics have been added […]
New in Flapjack

Flapjack has just been updated to version NEW: Flapjack now supports the import of supplementary QTL data. NEW: QTLs data files can have any number of additional (optional) numerical columns (LOD, r2, etc). NEW: Added support for graphically rendering QTLs across multiple “tracks”. NEW: QTLs can now be colour-coded according to the trait […]
New in Flapjack

Flapjack has just been updated to version NEW: Flapjack can now read files containing genotype data that does not include heterozygous separator characters, for example “AT” can be read as “A/T” or “A” and “T” (depending on import options). CHG: Flapjack is now better at estimating what default colour scheme to use […]
New in Flapjack

Flapjack has just been updated to version NEW: The line and marker under the mouse is now graphically highlighted on the main canvas and in the names list. NEW: Lines names in the list are now graphically highlighted as the mouse moves over the canvas. NEW: Added an option for right-click deletion […]