New in Tablet
Tablet has just been updated to version
NEW: Added an option to export coverage summary information to a file on disk. NEW: Added an explicit cancel option to the progress dialogs (even though closing the dialog did cancel them anyway). NEW: Added a right-click "copy-to-clipboard" option for the contigs table data. CHG: The Application Menu now contains an "Export" sub menu with multiple items, including the old Export Image option. CHG: Tidied up and enhanced Table's file-handling error messages, to ensure file and line number is always given. BUG: Fixed a problem with the current contig getting reselected when sorting the contigs table. BUG: Fixed an issue with the "Are you sure..." warning messages sometimes appearing multiple times. BUG: Fixed several rendering issues with the new stack-based names overlay. BUG: Fixed a problem with ACE file parsing when badly formatted consensus tags are present.