Information & Computational Sciences

New in Flapjack

By on 18/03/2019 in News

Flapjack has just been updated to version

  • NEW: Flapjack now uses Java 11 (JRE11). There will be no more 32bit versions of Flapjack.
  • NEW: Added initial support for direct loading of Intertek-formatted genotype files.
  • NEW: Added a data set count to the title panel of the navigation pane.
  • NEW: The status panel now displays a haplotype’s alleles when you mouse over a haplotype in the QTL display.
  • NEW: If only a single file is dragged and dropped into Flapjack, it will attempt to load it as a genotype file.
  • NEW: If multiple (unknown) files are dragged and dropped into Flapjack, a warning message is presented.
  • NEW: Analysis views should now track their counts correctly.
  • NEW: BrAPI: Enabled the options for saving credentials for connections.
  • CHG: Added better (decimal place) number formatting to ResultsTable values displayed in the list of line names.
  • CHG: The vcf converter no longer chops off the first 3 characters of the chromosome name.
  • CHG: Removed the UI Scaling options from the Preferences dialog, as they’re no longer relevant with JRE 9+.
  • CHG: Changed (and added some colour) to some of the navpanel’s icons.
  • CHG: Visually wrapped some of the Flapjack-specific advanced-loading options into their own subpanel.
  • CHG: Various i18n language file tidy-up/refactoring changes.
  • CHG: Set overlay genotypes to on (as the default).
  • CHG: BrAPI: Changes to the way the BrAPI import wizard works in order to make the wizard more robust.
  • BUG: Loading datasets where the number of unique alleles broke the byte-based limit was failing.
  • BUG: Phenotype visualization was broken with views that had line breaks/sort splitters/etc.
  • BUG: Fixed some layout alignment issues with the Warnings tab of the Settings dialog.
  • BUG: BrAPI: Removed leftover url encoding of username and password fields which are now sent as part of a JSON body.
  • BUG: BrAPI: Removed an attempt at caching in the BrAPI import dialogs which could result in the content in the dialog being incorrect.
  • BUG: BrAPI: Lots of changes and improvements to reduce BrAPI-related import bugs.

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