New in Tablet
Tablet has just been updated to version
- NEW: Tablet is now JRE11 compatible, and no longer supports 32-bit installs.
- NEW: The Copy Read Data To Clipboard function will now include a version of the read data with BAM/SAM insertions included in its output.
- NEW: Added a new overlay option (sticky highlights) that disables the auto-fade out on highlighted regions of interest until the user either manually disables it, or switches the contig/view.
- NEW: Tablet now uses HTSJDK to read BAM files, instead of the outdated picard library.
- CHG: Changed the default setting for the new sticky highlights feature to be off by default.
- BUG: The average coverage (tooltip) values were wrong with data sets containing a high basecount number (integer overflow).
- BUG: Updated the installer (JREs and newer code-signing paths) which seems to deal with issues related to macOS Mojave downloads showing as corrupt.