Information & Computational Sciences

New in Tablet

By on 18/02/2011 in News with 0 Comments

Tablet has just been updated to version

NEW: BAM files are now displayed with read count summaries, even before a contig
     has been viewed, so long as the index file was generated with samtools
      0.1.8 or higher.
NEW: Tablet now uses the samtools executable for some tasks. The Options Dialog
     allows for an alternative path to be set if the version distributed with
     Tablet doesn't run.
NEW: The table column headers are now included in the output from the contig
     table's copy-to-clipboard option.
NEW: Tablet now accepts a "view" command-line argument that allows you to
     specify a contig and position to jump to after loading
NEW: The Jump To Base Dialog now supports navigating to positions in contigs
     outwith the current contig.
NEW: The search code can now ignore pads and 'N's when looking for matches.
NEW: Added a new option to allow copying just part of a consensus/reference
     sequence to the clipboard.
CHG: SAM files containing paired-read data must now be sorted before Tablet will
     accept them.
BUG: Fixed array-out-of-bounds exceptions with SAM files containing paired-data.
BUG: The wrong start position for a read was sometimes shown in search results
     with BAM files.
BUG: The wrong name and position was being displayed for out-of-contig mates.

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