Archive for May, 2010
New in Tablet

Tablet has just been updated to version BUG: Fixed a critical bug that was resulting in some contigs hiding reads when in packed mode.
New in Tablet

Tablet has just been updated to version NEW: Implemented a new, hopefully more robust, method of determining the version number for update purposes. NEW: Added an option to set Picard’s SAMFileReader validation stringency to lenient to suppress SamValidation errors. NEW: Added a parse-time option force DNA ambiguity codes to be read as […]
New in Flapjack

Flapjack has just been updated to version NEW: Implemented a more robust method for version checking and updating of Flapjack CHG: Added the “Close” button back to the Filter QTLs dialog. BUG: Filtering QTL using the Filter dialog wasn’t working until after the display had been manually refreshed.
New in Flapjack

Flapjack has just been updated to version CHG: Minor modifications (for Windows only) to improve compatibility with Windows 7.
New in Tablet

Tablet has just been updated to version NEW: Added a new colouring scheme based on read direction/orientation. NEW: The overview displays can now be “subsetted”, forcing them to show only an overview of whatever region you define for them. NEW: Variant highlighting (in red) can now be turned on or off for the […]