Tag: humbug
New in Humbug

Humbug has just been updated to version CHG: Updated copyright notice. CHG: Replaced FontBox + PDFBox with Apache Excalibur, FOP, Xalan, Xerces. NEW: Added buttons to reorder barcodes. NEW: Added support for QR codes. FIX: Fixed page layout margins. CHG: Changed configuration file location from /.scri-bioinf/ to /.jhi-ics/ CHG: Updated SWT and referenced libraries.
New in Humbug 1.1.1

Humbug has just been updated to version 1.1.1. NEW: Added update functionality. Humbug will now notify you when a new version is available. NEW: Humbug now bundles its own Java 8 JRE. NEW: XML import and export NEW: Added an easter egg. See if you can find it. FIX: Fixed page layout margins in the […]
New in Humbug 1.1.0

Humbug has just been updated to version 1.1.0. NEW: Added option to associated an image with a barcode. This image will be added to the final PDF. NEW: Added option to save individual barcode as an image (right-click barcode). CHG: Updated application icon. CHG: Restructured the settings dialog. FIX: Added missing German translations.