Sebastian Raubach
New in Germinate 3.4.0

Germinate has just been updated to version 3.4.0. The changelog information is available in our GitHub repository at:
Buntata has been released!

Buntata, our new plant disease diagnostics app, has been released and can be installed from Google Play.
Germinate 3 Data Importer is now called Germinate Daim

Germinate 3 Data Importer is now called Germinate Daim (for Data Importer).
New in Germinate 3.3.2

Germinate has just been updated to version 3.3.2. ADD: Added code that allows to force table filtering programmatically. FIX: Fixed error on search page when searching for markers. FIX: Fixed position and width of context-menu for item marking when the right edge of the browser is very close to the click event. CHG: Synchronized item […]
New in Germinate 3.3.1

Germinate has just been updated to version 3.3.1. CHG: Disabled mouse-wheel scrolling on locator map. ADD: Added option to filter datasets table by count and datapoints. FIX: Fixed issue with Maintenance-Mode. FIX: Fixed issue with spaces in file paths. CHG: Improved performance of ‘germinatebase’ export of whole dataset. FIX: Fixed issue with y-axis tick formats […]
New in Germinate 3 Data Importer 1.1.6 and 1.1.7

Germinate 3 Data Importer has just been updated to version 1.1.7. New in 1.1.7 CHG: Selecting a new file after the column mapping has been defined will not clear the mapping. This makes importing multiple files with the same mapping easier. NEW: Added option to import row data while checking for already existing entries in […]
New in Germinate Scan 1.2.0

Germinate Scan has just been updated to version 1.2.0. NEW: Added new export format options to the settings dialog. NEW: Added option to send exported data by e-mail. NEW: Added runtime permission support for Android Marshmallow. CHG: Theme improvements.
New in Germinate 3 Data Importer 1.1.3

Germinate 3 Data Importer has just been updated to version 1.1.3. NEW: Added data update feature. This will update certain columns of a database item based on the new data. NEW: Added update functionality. G3DI will now notify you when a new version is available. NEW: G3DI now bundles its own Java 8 JRE.