Information & Computational Sciences

New in Flapjack

By on 07/10/2010 in News with 0 Comments

Flapjack has just been updated to version

NEW: Projects can now be saved in a new Flapjack-specific binary format (at 
     least 50x faster than the XML format).
NEW: Added an option at import time to create a "super" chromosome, containing 
     all the markers across all chromosomes.
NEW: Flapjack can now load its project files from local and remote (http) 
NEW: The Bookmark right-click menu option is now disabled unless over a genuine 
NEW: Redesigned the Import Dialog to include all options (map/genotype data, 
     traits, and QTL) in a single tabbed display.
NEW: Genotype data can now be imported in a transposed form (if the advanced 
     option checkbox for it is selected).
NEW: Added an additional new tab to support opening example projects from the 
     web server.
NEW: Split the additional options from the map/genotype importing dialog into a 
     separate "Advanced Options" dialog.
NEW: Updated the line similarity code to score 1 for a homozygous match, and 0.5
     for a heterozygous match (previously zero) for cases like A against A/T.
NEW: Added summary messages at the end of importing either traits or QTL.
NEW: The number of markers found while importing data is now tracked by the 
     progress dialog.
NEW: Added a link to the front page to go directly to opening an example 
NEW: Added Java Web Start support.
NEW: Added 64bit support and installers.
CHG: Changed the internal format for object ID, reducing memory usage and 
     project file size.
CHG: Changed the source code to be compatible with Java 6 only.
CHG: Marker frequencies are no longer stored in the project file. They are now 
     simply (re)calculated whenever needed.
BUG: Fixed the bad number formatting on the chromosome length label (at the top 
     of the screen).
BUG: Fixed a bug when (right) clicking on deselected entries in the Find dialog.
BUG: Fixed a small issue with the TaskBar icon being stretched on Windows 7 
     because it wasn't 32x32.
BUG: Fixed a rare, but critical error with threading when the progress tracking 
     dialog was active.
BUG: The "PowerPoint" wipe when new data sets are first opened now works 
BUG: Fixed a problem with the line similarity analysis generating NaN values for
BUG: Loading a project that was saved after all its views were deleted would 
     result in a silent exception and Flapjack acting as if nothing had been 

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