Rupert Hough
The missing pathway: Degrowth

By Alessandro Gimona, Senior Scientist, ICS. All over the world ecosystems are changing in response to climate change as well as to other pressures caused by human activities. The average global temperature has increased by about 1.1 °C since the industrial revolution, with most of the change recorded since the mid-1970s. Already in October 2018, […]
ICS Team Meeting – Thinking from Different Perspectives

On 27 August, 31 members of the Information and Computational Sciences (ICS) group made their way to Glensaugh. As the group is split between Aberdeen and Dundee sites, Glensaugh was identified as the ideal half-way meeting point. Although Glensaugh is one of the institute’s most picturesque research platforms, the majority of ICS group members had never […]