Archive for August, 2015
New in Flapjack

Flapjack has just been updated to version NEW: Updated all the installers to include the latest version of Java. NEW: The traits table will now show the heatmap colours behind each table cell. NEW: Flapjack can now load HDF5 files that are of a specific Flapjack defined format (experimental). NEW: Importing of large genotype […]
New in Tablet

Tablet has just been updated to version NEW: The read-shadower now highlights all read pairs in addition to reads under the mouse. NEW: Added SHIFT+mouse wheel support, that scrolls the canvas horizontally. NEW: Updated the installers for better Windows 10 and OS X compatibility. NEW: Updated the Java runtime included in the installers to […]
New in Strudel

Strudel has just been updated to version NEW: Updated the installers to include the latest versions of the Java Runtime (1.8.0_60). NEW: Updated the installers to include compatibility with the latest versions of OS X. CHG: Removed the SCRI branding from the installers and replaced it with JHI branding.
New in CurlyWhirly

CurlyWhirly has just been updated to version Fixed issue where when the category selection panel is collapsed to a point where no scrollbar was present, expanding categories did not make the scrollbar reappear. Fixed issue with the sorting of points by selection, then colour breaking in some large datasets.