Galaxy Extensions
The ICS group at the James Hutton Institute runs an internal (private) instance of Galaxy, which is a popular open source web-platform for running bioinformatics tools and pipelines within a web-browser. The Galaxy Project is run from Penn State and Emory University in the USA, but has a global group of contributors – ourselves included.
The bulk of our Galaxy related work has been implementing new add-on tools or wrappers to use existing tools within Galaxy. This work is released freely as open source software on GitHub and the Galaxy Tool Shed.
Galaxy and NCBI BLAST+
You can use the NCBI BLAST+ tools in Galaxy thanks to work started within the ICS group, which has now become an informal international team effort.
More information: |
Galaxy wrappers for NCBI BLAST+ and related tools |
Platforms supported: |
Primary developers: |
Peter Cock |
Sequence analysis in Galaxy
The largest group of tools we have wrapped for Galaxy focus on functional characterisation of proteins. This was particularly driven by the needs within the institute’s Weeds, Pests and Diseases research theme, as explained in the open access publication Cock et al (2013) Galaxy tools and workflows for sequence analysis with applications in molecular plant pathology.
More information: |
Galaxy tools and wrappers for sequence analysis |
Platforms supported: |
Primary developers: |
Peter Cock |