About DICE
The Developing an Interdisciplinary Culture of Excellence (DICE) project was funded by the James Hutton Institute, and the research undertaken between 2012 and 2014. This report synthesises the main findings of the DICE project. A team of researchers from across three of the Institute’s science groups (Information and Computational Sciences; Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences; and Environmental and Biochemical Sciences) formed the research team:
- Kit Macleod (lead) (macleod@hutton.ac.uk), Information and Computational Sciences
- Mags Currie (currie@hutton.ac.uk), Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences
- Sue Morris (morris@hutton.ac.uk), Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences
- Katrin Prager (prager@hutton.ac.uk), Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences
- Bex Holmes (holmes@hutton.ac.uk), Environmental and Biochemical Sciences
Kerry Waylen (Social,Economic and Geographical Sciences) group helped us design the DICE research. Altea Lorenzo-Arribas, Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland (BioSS) helped us analyse survey responses.