CurlyWhirly Release Notes
This page describes the additions (NEW), changes (CHG) and bug fixes (BUG) that have been made to CurlyWhirly in recent versions. For full details on all the changes between versions, please see the GitHub change log.
New in
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
New in
- Improved compatibility with macOS and JRE11, which should reinstate missing About/Preferences options too.
New in
- Added the ability to change the colour of the text for the colour key that can be included in screenshots and movies.
- CurlyWhirly now registers .cw as a file extension so that files with the extension .cw can be double clicked to automatically open in CurlyWhirly.
- CurlyWhirly now exports and imports customised colours as rgb strings e.g. rgb(255,255,255).
- Introduced frame rate limiting code to prevent CurlyWhirly from rendering too quickly (which has knock on effects on mouse interaction).
- It is now possible to provide multiple different URLs per data point, allowing for connection to multiple database / information systems.
- The data export now includes customised UI colours, such as the background and axes colours.
- Changed the data importer so that categories are optional (i.e. label can now be the first column in the data file and there is no need to provide an empty category column when you don’t have categorical data).
- Fixed various issues to do with the visualisation of the multi-selection sphere and multi-selected data points.
- Fixed an issue where database URLs included in input files were not being included as part of the data export.
New in
- Added the ability to change the transparency level of transparent deselected spheres.
- Updated bundled JRE, the previous JRE was preventing scrollbars showing in some situations.
New in
- Fixed issue which prevented CurlyWhirly from opening associated files on OS X.
New in
- CurlyWhirly now has the ability to create groups from Multi-selected points in future versions of Germinate.
- Fixed issue where category colour changes might not apply correctly.
- Fixed issue where the colour key / legend might not be produced correctly.
New in
- CurlyWhirly now detects, removes and warns about duplicate data points during data import.
New in
- Fixed issue where when the category selection panel is collapsed to a point where no scrollbar was present, expanding categories did not make the scrollbar reappear.
- Fixed issue with the sorting of points by selection, then colour breaking in some large datasets.
New in
- Deselected spheres can now be rendered in greyscale (as in previous versions), transparent, or invisible.
- Sphere quality / detail can now be tweaked from the control panel. Reducing sphere quality should increase performance.
- Added an FPS counter to the bottom right of the main window (this updates every 2.5 seconds).
- Added ability to export the points currently in the multi-selection sphere.
- Automatically detects missing graphics hardware and drops back to software rendering in these cases.
- Color keys now display user readable names (e.g. Background instead of gui.User.Opengl.Background) where customization is possible.
- Reduced the minimum sphere size.
- Various UI bug fixes.
New in
- Screenshots and movies can now include a colour key specifying the categories the colours in the scene relate to.
- Data set export now includes colours and there is now a preferences option to use colours found in files, or not.
- Introduced a separate slider for controlling the size of deselected points separately from the size of selected points.
- The panel of points in the “Data” (second) tab now displays the list of points sorted by selected state, then by colour.
- Fixed an issue with the installer that was preventing the Mac OS version from running.
- Implemented keyboard shortcuts for zooming the display.
- Added a slider to control the size of axis labels in the Controls tab.
New in
- Fixed issues around database urls and missing values in the dataset export functionality.
- Improved the accuracy of data point detection by the mouse in the scene.
- Added single click selection of points withing the 3D view.
- Introduced a right click menu for additonal data point interaction options.
- It’s now possible to visit a webpage with information on a point if a dburl has been specified in the file, this can be accessed via the data point right click menu.
- Introduced a data point information dialog which displays all of the information CurlyWhirly knows about a data point (name, coordinates, categories etc) which can be accessed via the data point right click menu.
- Added multiple-selection of points within the 3D view. This option can be selected by right clicking on a point, a sphere appears around that point and a slider can be used to specify the size of this selection sphere.
- Added a dialog with options to customize the appearance of the selection sphere and among other things, optional lines which anchor points to the centre of the sphere.
- Changed the data panel (list of points) so that it displays all points and added their colour for the current category group to the display.
- Added the ability to click on points in the data panel to toggle their selection states.
New in
- Fixed an issue with data export from CurlyWhirly.
New in
- Added the ability to export data from CurlyWhirly.
- Added experimental movie capture support.
- It is now possible to filter the table of selected points by any of the columns in the table.
- Fixed a bug where it was possible for axis labels inferred from the dataset to be incorrect.
New in
- NEW: Improved sphere display and sphere anti-aliasing.
- NEW: Added a slider to the UI to control data point size.
- CHG: Updated OpenGL libraries to the latest version.
New in
- NEW: Complete rewrite of the graphics engine; now using native OpenGL rather than Java3D.
- NEW: Added a category selection mechanism which allows for filtering upon multiple categories form separate category groups, while colouring by a given category group.
- NEW: A table of data points active in the display is now available in the control panel.
- NEW: The table of data points can be saved to disk and/or copied to clipboard.
- NEW: CurlyWhirly is now available as a native installer for 64-bit platforms.
- NEW: The auto-spin feature can now spin the model at any angle.
- NEW: Much of the UI has been translated into German and Spanish.
- NEW: Updated the UI to include logos for JHI and Masagro.
- NEW: Added a dataset close button to the main display.
- NEW: CurlyWhirly now (optionally) warns on dataset and application close.
- NEW: Added a new About box (and licence pane) matching the style used in Flapjack and Tablet.
- NEW: The installers and web start version are now all code signed.
- NEW: The codebase is now Java 7 across all supported platforms (Windows, OSX, Linux).
- NEW: Added a preferences dialog for setting some of the lesser-used options.
- NEW: User preferences (such as colour) are now remembered between sessions.
- NEW: Capture screenshot now prompts the user for a location to save the image file.
- NEW: Capture screenshot gives the option to view the image after creation.
- NEW: Added a recent files listing to the front page of CurlyWhirly.
- NEW: The spin slider now updates the spinning speed in real-time.
- NEW: Introduced a tabbed panel to separate control of the 3D display from summary information about the underlying data.
- NEW: Many improvements and bug fixes to data loading code.
- NEW: It is now possible to customize the colours of the axes.
- NEW: Added a preferences option to control antialising.
- CHG: Dropped the application menus in favour of a lightweight toolbar approach.
- BUG: Fixed UI controls being active before data is loaded.
New in
- NEW: Updated branding from SCRI to JHI and MASAGRO.
- CHG: Changed the about box style to bring it inline with our other applications.
- CHG: Updated the source code to be Java 7 compatible.
- NEW: Moved away from a menu driven UI to a toolbar drive UI.
- NEW: Added a “front page” with recently used file links and buttons for importing data and loading sample data.
- NEW: Added an options dialog to allow user preferences to be altered.
- NEW: Background colour choice remembered in preferences.
- NEW: We now offer 32/64bit installers for all supported systems.
- NEW: Added Spanish translations for UI and help text.
New in
- NEW: Added support for multi-category datasets.
- NEW: Added annotation URLs allowing a web browser to be launched for the annotation URL of a given data point when it is clicked.
- NEW: Added drag and drop support for file opening.
- NEW: Added ability to customise category colours from the UI.
- NEW: Added tooltips for data points in the main display.
New in
- NEW: It is now possible to record movies of datasets being automatically rotated within CurlyWhirly.
- CHG: Category colour display now utilises gradient paints.
New in
- NEW: CurlyWhirly can load data and colour code it by category.
- NEW: Data points can be selected or deselected by category.
- NEW: Added ability to automatically spin the display.
- NEW: Added screenshot functionality.