Information & Computational Sciences

CAP Greening Review

CAP Greening Review

This review was commissioned by the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Food and Environment as part of the policy development process for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Greening measures to be implemented from 2015. The particular focus of the review was on the use of equivalence measures. These are the measures designed and implemented within member states as alternatives or supplements to the standard mandatory measures prescribed in the EU Regulations. The review was conducted by staff of the James Hutton Institute between February and May 2015 with interim results used by policy makers (and stakeholders) in decisions announced by the Minister in June 2015. It reflects the state of play in June 2015 and does not consider later revisions to Greening. The summary and four parts were eventually published on the Scottish Government’s Rural Payments and Services website under the Greening guidance pages in August 2017. Due to page revisions the original landing page for the review has disappeared, however the documents are still available on SG servers. These are re-linked below:
