

Germinatebase is the Germinate base table which contains passport and other germplasm definition data.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id INT 10 null
compounddata.germinatebase_id compounddata_ibfk_4C
germinatebase.entityparent_id germinatebase_ibfk_entityparentN
pedigreedefinitions.germinatebase_id pedigreedefinitions_ibfk_1C
pedigrees.germinatebase_id pedigrees_ibfk_1C
pedigrees.parent_id pedigrees_ibfk_2C
phenotypedata.germinatebase_id phenotypedata_ibfk_3C
storagedata.germinatebase_id storagedata_ibfk_1C

Primary id for this table. This uniquely identifies the row.

general_identifier VARCHAR 255 null

A unique identifier.

number VARCHAR 255 null

This is the unique identifier for accessions within a genebank, and is assigned when a sample is
entered into the genebank collection (e.g. ‘PI 113869’).

name VARCHAR 255 null

A unique name which defines an entry in the germinatbase table.

bank_number VARCHAR 255 null

Alternative genebank number.

breeders_code CHAR 50 null

FAO WIEWS code of the institute that has bred the material. If the holding institute has bred the material, the breeding institute code (BREDCODE) should be the same as the holding institute code (INSTCODE). Follows INSTCODE standard. Multiple values are separated by a semicolon without space.

breeders_name VARCHAR 255 null

Name of the institute (or person) that bred the material. This descriptor should be used only if BREDCODE cannot be filled because the FAO WIEWS code for this institute is not available. Multiple names are separated by a semicolon without space.

taxonomy_id INT 10 null germinatebase_ibfk_taxonomyN

Foreign key to taxonomies (

institution_id INT 10 null germinatebase_ibfk_institutionN

Foreign key to institutions (

plant_passport VARCHAR 255 null

Record if the entry has a plant passport.

donor_code VARCHAR 255 null

FAO WIEWS code of the donor institute. Follows INSTCODE standard.

donor_name VARCHAR 255 null

Name of the donor institute (or person). This descriptor should be used only if DONORCODE cannot be filled because the FAO WIEWS code for this institute is not available.

donor_number VARCHAR 255 null

Identifier assigned to an accession by the donor. Follows ACCENUMB standard.

acqdate VARCHAR 255 null

Date on which the accession entered the collection where YYYY is the year, MM is the month and
DD is the day. Missing data (MM or DD) should be indicated with hyphens or ‘00’ double zero.

collnumb VARCHAR 255 null

Original identifier assigned by the collector(s) of the sample, normally composed of the name or
initials of the collector(s) followed by a number (e.g. ‘FM9909’). This identifier is essential for
identifying duplicates held in different collections.

colldate DATE 10 null

Collecting date of the sample, where YYYY is the year, MM is the month and DD is the day.
Missing data (MM or DD) should be indicated with hyphens or ‘00’ double zero.

collcode VARCHAR 255 null

FAO WIEWS code of the institute collecting the sample. If the holding institute has collected the
material, the collecting institute code (COLLCODE) should be the same as the holding institute
code (INSTCODE). Follows INSTCODE standard. Multiple values are separated by a semicolon
without space.

collname VARCHAR 255 null

Name of the institute collecting the sample. This descriptor should be used only if COLLCODE cannot be filled because the FAO WIEWS code for this institute is not available. Multiple values are separated by a semicolon without space.

collmissid VARCHAR 255 null

Identifier of the collecting mission used by the Collecting Institute (4 or 4.1) (e.g. ‘CIATFOR-052’, ‘CN426’).

othernumb MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 null

Any other identifiers known to exist in other collections for this accession. Use the following format: INSTCODE:ACCENUMB;INSTCODE:identifier;… INSTCODE and identifier are separated by a colon without space. Pairs of INSTCODE and identifier are separated by a semicolon without space. When the institute is not known, the identifier should be preceded by a colon.

duplsite VARCHAR 255 null

FAO WIEWS code of the institute(s) where a safety duplicate of the accession is maintained.
Multiple values are separated by a semicolon without space. Follows INSTCODE standard.

duplinstname VARCHAR 255 null

Name of the institute where a safety duplicate of the accession is maintained. Multiple values are separated by a semicolon without space.

mlsstatus_id INT 10 null germinatebase_ibfk_mlsstatusN

Foreign key to mlsstatus (

puid VARCHAR 255 null

Any persistent, unique identifier assigned to the accession so it can be unambiguously referenced at the global level and the information associated with it harvested through automated means. Report one PUID for each accession.

biologicalstatus_id INT 10 null germinatebase_ibfk_biologicalstatusN

Foreign key to biologicalstatus (

collsrc_id INT 10 null germinatebase_ibfk_collsrcN

Foreign key to collectionsources (

location_id INT 10 null germinatebase_ibfk_locationN

Foreign key to locations (

entitytype_id INT 10 1 germinatebase_ibfk_entitytypeN

Foreign key to entitytypes (

entityparent_id INT 10 null germinatebase_ibfk_entityparentN

Foreign key to germinatebase (

pdci FLOAT 64,10 null

Passport Data Completeness Index. This is calculated by Germinate. Manual editing of this field will be overwritten.


When the record was created.


When the record was updated. This may be different from the created on date if subsequent changes have been made to the underlying record.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
collsite_id Performance Asc location_id
general_identifier Performance Asc general_identifier
germinatebase_ibfk_8 Performance Asc mlsstatus_id
germinatebase_ibfk_biologicalstatus Performance Asc biologicalstatus_id
germinatebase_ibfk_collectingsource Performance Asc collsrc_id
germinatebase_ibfk_entityparent Performance Asc entityparent_id
germinatebase_ibfk_entitytype Performance Asc entitytype_id
germinatebase_name Performance Asc name
germinatebase_number Performance Asc number
institution_id Performance Asc institution_id
taxonomy_id Performance Asc taxonomy_id
