

Describes locations. Locations can be collecting sites or the location of any geographical feature such as research institutes or lab locations.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id INT 10 null
climatedata.location_id climatedata_ibfk_3C
datasetlocations.location_id datasetlocations_ibfk_2C
germinatebase.location_id germinatebase_ibfk_locationN
phenotypedata.location_id phenotypedata_ibfk_4N

Primary id for this table. This uniquely identifies the row.

locationtype_id INT 10 null
locationtypes.id locations_ibfk_2R

Foreign key to locations (locations.id).

country_id INT 10 0
countries.id locations_ibfk_1R

Foreign key to countries (countries.id).

state VARCHAR 255 null

The state where the location is if this exists.

region VARCHAR 255 null

The region where the location is if this exists.

site_name VARCHAR 255

The site name where the location is.

site_name_short VARCHAR 22 null

Shortened site name which can be used in tables within Germinate.

elevation DECIMAL 64,10 null

The elevation of the site in metres.

latitude DECIMAL 64,10 null

Latitude of the location.

longitude DECIMAL 64,10 null

Longitude of the location.

coordinate_uncertainty INT 10 null

Uncertainty associated with the coordinates in metres. Leave the value empty if the uncertainty is unknown.

coordinate_datum VARCHAR 255 null

The geodetic datum or spatial reference system upon which the coordinates given in decimal latitude and decimal longitude are based (e.g. WGS84, ETRS89, NAD83). The GPS uses the WGS84 datum.

georeferencing_method VARCHAR 255 null

The georeferencing method used (GPS, determined from map, gazetteer, or estimated using software). Leave the value empty if georeferencing method is not known.


When the record was created.


When the record was updated. This may be different from the created on date if subsequent changes have been made to the underlying record.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
country_id Performance Asc country_id
locations_ibfk_2 Performance Asc locationtype_id
