
This website provides access to 177,240 unique barley expressed transcripts covering 60,444 genes. The transcripts are arranged as gene models and homology of the longest transcript to Arabidopsis, Rice and Brachypodium is given. Individual transcript expression levels are given as Salmon transcripts per million (TPM) for 16 barley developmental stage samples (click here for more information about the RNA-seq experiment).

You can access data directly by searching for a particular sequence ID or by BLASTing a sequence against the genomic contigs or transcript sequences using the BLAST page.

A table directly comparing the Reference Transcript Database (BaRT) gene annotations with the Barley Pseudomolecules Annotation (HORVU 2017) can be downloaded from here

If you don't have a DNA or protein sequence, you can use the Annotation Search of the BLAST annotations of the genes, which are available for the Rice Pseudo-peptides v6 and the TAIR Arabidopsis thaliana Pseudo-peptides v10.

Search for a sequence ID

Currently this database contains both the Barley RTD and the predicted transcripts from the Barley Pseudomolecules, which were published in Nature (A chromosome conformation capture ordered sequence of the barley genome. Nature, 2017; 544 (7651): 427 DOI: 10.1038/nature22043).

Barley RTD : The predicted genes have the nomenclature "BART1_0-u00001". Transcript models are named after the the gene loci like "BART1_0-u00001.001". There are 60,444 gene regions and 177,240 transcripts predicted from them.

Barley Pseudomolecules Annotation: The predicted genes have the nomenclature "HORVU1Hr1G000010". Transcript models are named after the the gene loci like "HORVU1Hr1G000010.1". There are 81,683 gene regions and 334,126 transcripts predicted from them.

You can go directly to a gene or transcript by using this search box: