
This website describes the results of microarray experiments in Potato. Sequence ID's are based on the gene and transcript IDs from the PGSC DM assembly annotation (v4.03). The microarray probes are from the Potato 60K Agilent array, and were designed to the PSGC transcripts.

You can use a probe ID from the Potato 60K Agilent Microarray chip or a PGSC gene ID or transcript ID in the search forms below. Alternatively you can use the BLAST utility to search your own DNA or protein sequences against the PGSC transcripts to find related sequences. Finally the transcripts have been annotated using the top BLAST hit found in the Tomato (ITAG) and Arabidopsis thaliana (TAIR) predicted peptides, and you can use the keyword search form to filter the transcripts for terms of interest.

Experiment: A transcriptional reference map of defence hormone responses in potato

Potato plants (Solanum tuberosum Var. Desiree) were treated with the hormones abscisic acid, aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid, epibrassinolide, methyljasmonate, and salicylic acid, and a water control was included. RNA was extracted from leaf material at 1 hour and 6 hours after treatment. High-throughput gene expression analysis was performed using custom Agilent microarrays designed to represent predicted transcripts of assembly v. 3.4 of the potato DM genome. Microarray experimental design and datasets are available in ArrayExpress (; accession E-MATB-3542).

Statistical filtering of the microarray data was performed for each time point separately using analysis of variance (ANOVA; p-value <= 0.05) with Benjamini & Hochberg multiple testing correction. Volcano plots on the ANOVA-filtered gene-lists were used to identify significantly changing probes between control and each hormone treatment (>= 2x fold-change; p-value <= 0.05). In some cases, different probes on the array are representative of the same gene.

All five plant hormones had significant effects on plant gene expression both 1 hour and 6 hours after application. A total of 3175 probes were significantly differentially expressed at 1 hour after treatment due to hormone treatment. At 6 hours after treatment, a total of 2873 probes were significantly differentially expressed in hormone treated plants, a list of which can be found here with direct links from the page to the probes and transcript sequences in the database.

Search for a sequence ID (of the form PGSC0003DMT400004865)

Please enter a PGSC gene ID or transcript ID to go directly to that item.


Search for a probe ID (of the form CUST_43685_PI426222305)

Please enter a probe ID from the Potato 60K Agilent microarray chip to go directly to that item.