GridScore NEXT
Mobile plant phenotyping
at your fingertips.

What it is

GridScore is a cross-platform open-source phenotyping app that combines barcode-based systems with a guided data collection approach while offering a top-down view onto the data collected in a field layout.

GridScore bundles a huge amount of functionalities into a small app empowering your data collection in the field, glasshouse or out and about. Once a trial has been created, GridScore works completely offline, so no data connectivity is required for both data collection and visualization.


Easily create trials on your laptop by importing information from different sources. Define your trial layout and trait definitions. Share the created trial with collaborators or data collectors using QR codes.


Efficiently and accurately collect phenotypic data for large plot trials. Utilise barcodes or guided walks to navigate the trial. Synchronize data collection between multiple users.


Gain insights into your data with heatmaps, box plots and bar charts. Easily identify patterns, potential outliers and correlations. All while out in the field or back in your office.


Export your data in a variety of formats for further processing. Breeding API (BrAPI) and Germinate Data Template support is built-in to simplify data transfer to other systems.

What it does

GridScore offers a wide range of functionalities.

GridScore is feature-packed but beginner friendly at the same time catering to new and expert users.

Trial design

Import your own trial layout from other tools or use FielDHub to create a layout. Simply transfer your design to GridScore. A variety of import formats are supported to ensure you get up and running quickly.

Data sharing

GridScore uses QR codes to easily share trials between collaborators and data collectors. Simply generate and scan QR codes to transfer all required information to another device. Collected data is kept synchronized between devices for data consistency.

Guided walks

Let GridScore guide you through the trial in one of 16 pre-defined orders. Collect data for a plot, then move on to the next one in the order. Audio feedback will instruct you to turn when required.


Quickly validate your location in the trial using GPS information. Keep track of your movement as you walk through the trial. Recorded data is geotagged for future reference.

Image tagging

Take photos of plots, plants or anything else as you collect data. Photos are automatically tagged with timestamp, GPS location and, optionally, any traits.

Audio comments and feedback

Record trial or plot comments with your voice. Speech recognition will do the rest. Audio feedback is used throughout the app to give you immediate feedback on collected data or selected plots.

What it looks like

Here are some screenshots of GridScore in action. Feel free to check them out.

Clicking on an image will give you more information about the shown feature or functionality.

Organisations supporting GridScore - past and present