Matching BART genes

BarleyRTD transcripts were compared to the location of the IBSC 2017 Predicted Transcripts. Overlapping status is classified as Containing (HORVU is smaller than the BART), Contained (BART is smaller than the HORVU), Partial-Overlap (Overlap exists), and Undefined (the BART transcript has no overlapping HORVU).

BART IDPercentage overlapBART Gene DirectionHORVU Gene DirectionOverlap LengthGene Length DifferenceOverlapping Status

Transcripts from Gene HORVU5Hr1G000150

HORVU5Hr1G000150.12375gene=HORVU5Hr1G000150 CDS=187-1980
HORVU5Hr1G000150.21900gene=HORVU5Hr1G000150 CDS=185-1900
HORVU5Hr1G000150.32614gene=HORVU5Hr1G000150 CDS=182-1927
HORVU5Hr1G000150.42459gene=HORVU5Hr1G000150 CDS=181-1959
HORVU5Hr1G000150.51828gene=HORVU5Hr1G000150 CDS=133-1827
HORVU5Hr1G000150.61735gene=HORVU5Hr1G000150 CDS=254-1735
HORVU5Hr1G000150.71725gene=HORVU5Hr1G000150 CDS=237-1724
HORVU5Hr1G000150.81497gene=HORVU5Hr1G000150 CDS=210-842

Exon Structure of HORVU5Hr1G000150

grey: non-coding, green: Barley Morex IBSC 2017 Transcript CDS, red: Barley RTD exons

Homology of Longest Transcript to Model Species (BLASTX to E-value < 1e-30)

DatabaseHitFrameE-valueScore% IdentityDescription
Rice PP7 LOC_Os12g44340.1 +2 0.0 844 516/565 (91%) protein|ATMAP70 protein, putative, expressed
AT1G24764.1 @ TAIR
+2 0.0 634 413/553 (75%) Symbols: ATMAP70-2, MAP70-2 | microtubule-associated proteins 70-2 | chr1:8760001-8763256 REVERSE LENGTH=634
BRACH PP3 Bradi4g00250.1.p +2 0.0 876 537/567 (95%) pacid=32788741 transcript=Bradi4g00250.1 locus=Bradi4g00250 ID=Bradi4g00250.1.v3.1 annot-version=v3.1

Barley PseudoMolecules GBrowse

Click here to see more tracks within GBrowse -->

grey: non-coding, green: Barley Morex IBSC 2017 Transcript CDS, red: Barley RTD exons