Matching HORVU genes

BarleyRTD transcripts were compared to the location of the IBSC 2017 Predicted Transcripts. Overlapping status is classified as Containing (HORVU is smaller than the BART), Contained (BART is smaller than the HORVU), Partial-Overlap (Overlap exists), and Undefined (the BART transcript has no overlapping HORVU).

HORVU IDPercentage overlapBART Gene DirectionHORVU Gene DirectionOverlap LengthGene Length DifferenceOverlapping Status

Transcripts from Gene BART1_0-u52598

BART1_0-u52598.00141174117 bp MSTRG.52598.1 MSTRG.52598
BART1_0-u52598.00241144114 bp MSTRG.52598.2 MSTRG.52598
BART1_0-u52598.00339073907 bp MSTRG.52598.3 MSTRG.52598
BART1_0-u52598.00442214221 bp MSTRG.52598.4 MSTRG.52598
BART1_0-u52598.00547764776 bp MSTRG.52598.5 MSTRG.52598
BART1_0-u52598.00642174217 bp MSTRG.52598.6 MSTRG.52598
BART1_0-u52598.00737613761 bp MSTRG.52598.7 MSTRG.52598
BART1_0-u52598.00836023602 bp MSTRG.52598.8 MSTRG.52598
BART1_0-u52598.00935243524 bp MSTRG.52598.9 MSTRG.52598
BART1_0-u52598.01039903990 bp MSTRG.52598.10 MSTRG.52598
BART1_0-u52598.01143044304 bp MSTRG.52598.11 MSTRG.52598
BART1_0-u52598.01234393439 bp MSTRG.52598.12 MSTRG.52598
BART1_0-u52598.01341164116 bp MSTRG.52598.13 MSTRG.52598
BART1_0-u52598.01439383938 bp MSTRG.52598.14 MSTRG.52598
BART1_0-u52598.01535163516 bp MSTRG.52598.15 MSTRG.52598
BART1_0-u52598.01631733173 bp MSTRG.52598.16 MSTRG.52598
BART1_0-u52598.01732463246 bp MSTRG.52598.17 MSTRG.52598
BART1_0-u52598.01823362336 bp MSTRG.52598.18 MSTRG.52598

Exon Structure of BART1_0-u52598

grey: non-coding, green: Barley Morex IBSC 2017 Transcript CDS, red: Barley RTD exons

Homology of Longest Transcript to Model Species (BLASTX to E-value < 1e-30)

DatabaseHitFrameE-valueScore% IdentityDescription
Rice PP7 LOC_Os08g43400.4 +3 0.0 719 377/608 (62%) protein|kinesin motor domain containing protein, expressed
AT3G51150.1 @ TAIR
+1 1e-89 280 130/174 (75%) Symbols: | ATP binding microtubule motor family protein | chr3:19002006-19006509 FORWARD LENGTH=1052
BRACH PP3 Bradi3g42190.2.p +3 0.0 821 418/602 (69%) pacid=32814335 transcript=Bradi3g42190.2 locus=Bradi3g42190 ID=Bradi3g42190.2.v3.1 annot-version=v3.1

GO Annotation

There is no GO annotation for this gene

Barley PseudoMolecules GBrowse

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grey: non-coding, green: Barley Morex IBSC 2017 Transcript CDS, red: Barley RTD exons